Before the movies, Aayla made her first appearance in Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: Republic series. Yet she captured the hearts (and other areas) of male geeks everywhere. blue lady with the head tentacles) seen briefly in the new Star Wars trilogy in the Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones and when she's killed in Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith. Who's Aayla Secura? That's what I was wondering when I came across her name. The surprise I felt was nothing compared to when I stumbled across the fascination with Aayla Secura. So it was years later before I discovered how many people shared my Leia fantasies. But back then, there was no Internet and I had no friends who were into Star Wars as much as I was. That crush was solidified by her infamous slave girl outfit in Return of the Jedi. When I was younger, I had a crush on Princess Leia.